
💻 Edit your Hugo site locally | Hugo Blox Docs

View your site

View your site by running the following command:

Terminal window

hugo server -D

Hugo then provides you with a link (e.g. http://localhost:1313/) to open in your web browser.

For help troubleshooting common Hugo errors, check out the Troubleshooting guide.

Edit your content in a Markdown Editor

Check out the Write Content section of the docs. We recommend writing content with Visual Studio Code, either using the online version (GitHub Codespaces) or installing the VSCode software on your computer.

Follow the step-by-step guide to edit your new site.

Edit offline

When you first run hugo server to preview your site, Hugo will download and cache Hugo Blox Builder on your machine.

If you prefer a more reliable and permanent place to store your site’s dependencies, you can do so with the hugo mod vendor command.

After running Hugo’s vendor command, Hugo will load your site’s dependencies from a _vendor folder within your site rather than using the internet or its (hidden) cache folder.

You may notice that Hugo’s _vendor folder is similar to the node_modules folder for Javascript-based site generators, albeit storing Go modules rather than Javascript packages.


Once you have made changes to your site, learn how to deploy to your preferred provider.

Remember to set your baseURL (website URL) in config/_default/hugo.yaml before deploying your site.

Peizhen Zheng
Peizhen Zheng
Graduate Research Assistant

My research interests include all fields of computer graphics.